Enforcing Required Tags on Terraform Resources with Spacelift

Enforcing Required Tags on Terraform Resources with Spacelift

Enforcing Required Tags on Terraform Resources for Consistent Infrastructure Management

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Spacelift is a powerful platform that helps manage infrastructure as code (IaC) deployments. As part of its policy enforcement capabilities, Spacelift allows you to define custom plan policies to ensure compliance and consistency across your infrastructure. In this blog post, we will explore how to enforce required tags on Terraform resources using a plan policy in Spacelift.

Policy Overview:

The goal of our plan policy is to ensure that specific tags are present on all Terraform resources in our deployments. To achieve this, we will define a set of required tags and use a deny rule to detect resources that do not have all the required tags. Let's take a closer look at the policy code:

package spacelift

required_tags := {"Name"}

deny["Required Name tag missing"] {
    resource := input.terraform.resource_changes[_]
    tags := resource.change.after.tags_all

    count(tags) > 0
    missing_tags := {tag | required_tags[tag]; not tags[tag]}
    count(missing_tags) > 0

sample = true


  1. We define a set called required_tags which contains the tags that must be present on the resources. In our example, we have "Name", "env", and "owner" as required tags.

  2. The deny rule is triggered when a resource does not have all the required tags. It generates an error message indicating the resource address and the missing tags.

  3. Inside the deny rule, we extract the resource being evaluated using the resource variable.

  4. We retrieve the tags of the resource after the change using the tags variable.

  5. We added the condition count(tags) > 0 before evaluating the missing tags. This condition ensures that the missing_tags set is only computed if there are tags present in the tags set.

  6. The missing_tags set comprehension filters the required tags and selects only those that are missing from the resource tags.

  7. Finally, we check if the count of missing_tags is greater than 0, indicating that the resource is missing at least one required tag.

In conclusion, the provided plan policy in Spacelift enables you to enforce required tags on Terraform resources. This enhances consistency, improves resource management, and simplifies governance in your infrastructure deployments. Utilizing Spacelift and the Rego language empowers you to easily enforce a range of policies tailored to your specific needs.

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