Day 12: Harnessing the Power of Parallel and Matrix Builds in GitLab CI/CD

Maximize Build Efficiency: A Deep Dive into Concurrent Job Execution and Dynamic Job Creation in GitLab


Diving deeper into the world of GitLab's CI/CD, today's focus is on parallel and matrix builds—a feature that maximizes efficiency by running multiple jobs concurrently. In this session, we'll unveil how you can significantly reduce your build and test times using these features.

Parallel Builds: What and Why?

Parallel builds allow multiple jobs within the same stage to run simultaneously. Instead of waiting for one job to finish before the next begins, you can execute them side by side, which is particularly beneficial for large projects with multiple components or tests that can run independently.

Setting up Parallel Builds

In your .gitlab-ci.yml, jobs within the same stage run in parallel by default. Here's a simple configuration:

  - test

  stage: test

  stage: test

Both unit_tests and integration_tests jobs will run simultaneously since they're under the same test stage.

Matrix Builds: An Overview

Matrix builds allow you to generate multiple jobs based on a combination of variables. This is useful for scenarios like testing your application across different environments or configurations.

Implementing Matrix Builds

With GitLab's matrix feature, you can dynamically create multiple jobs. For instance, if you want to test an application on different OS or with various versions of a dependency:

  stage: test
    OPERATING_SYSTEM: ["ubuntu", "windows"]
    DEPENDENCY_VERSION: ["1.0", "2.0"]
        - ["OPERATING_SYSTEM: ubuntu", "DEPENDENCY_VERSION: 1.0"]
        - ["OPERATING_SYSTEM: ubuntu", "DEPENDENCY_VERSION: 2.0"]
        - ["OPERATING_SYSTEM: windows", "DEPENDENCY_VERSION: 1.0"]
        - ["OPERATING_SYSTEM: windows", "DEPENDENCY_VERSION: 2.0"]

This configuration will generate four jobs, testing each combination of the variables defined.

Balancing Efficiency and Resource Consumption

While parallel and matrix builds can dramatically reduce CI/CD times, they can also consume more resources. It's crucial to balance the number of parallel jobs with the available runners and infrastructure to avoid bottlenecks or overloads.


Parallel and matrix builds in GitLab's CI/CD offer an efficient way to manage and execute jobs, especially for projects with varying requirements across environments or configurations. By leveraging these, developers can ensure thorough testing while saving time. Join us tomorrow as we delve into the integration of Docker within GitLab CI/CD, enhancing portability and consistency in builds.